
ARM cp15 c1,c0, 0 - control register configuration

ARM 的coprocessor cp15 ,可以用

mrc/mcr p15,0,,Cn,Cm,N
來溝通 (read/write)
參考: cp15 instruction

比較常用的:Control Register Configuration:

MRC p15, 0, , c1, c0, 0 Read Control Register configuration data
MCR p15, 0, , c1, c0, 0 Write Control Register configuration data
Control Register 內容參考:c1, Control Register
-- copy 過來,免得以後改位置--

Table 3.24. Control Register bit functions





SBZThis field returns a Unpredictable value when read. Should Be Zero.

Determines the state that the processor enters exceptions:

0 = Exceptions entered in ARM state

1 = Exceptions entered in Thumb state.

[29]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.
[28]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.

Determines the state of the non-maskable bit that is set by a configuration pin FIQISNMI:

0 = The processor is backwards compatible and behaves as normal

1 = All attempts to modify the CPSR F bit can only clear it. There is no way to set it in software. The SPSRs remain freely modifiable but copying the SPSR to CPSR can only clear the F bit. FIQs continue to set the F bit automatically.


The status of the FIQISNMI pin is read by Bit 27. Software cannot write to Bit 27.

[26]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.

Determines how the E bit in the CPSR bit is set on an exception:

0 = CPSR E bit is set to 0 on an exception

1 = CPSR E bit is set to 1 on an exception.

The reset value depends on external signals, see Table 3.25.


Enables the VIC interface to determine interrupt vectors:

0 = Interrupt vectors are fixed

1 = Interrupt vectors are defined by the VIC interface.

See the description of the V bit, bit 13.

[23]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.

Enables unaligned data access operations for mixed little-endian and big-endian operation:

0 = Unaligned data access support disabled

1 = Unaligned data access support enabled.

The A bit has priority over the U bit.

The reset value of the U bit depends on external signals, see Table 3.25.


Configures low latency features for fast interrupts.

0 = All performance features enabled.

1 = Low interrupt latency configuration enabled.

[20]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.
[19]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.

Should Be One. This bit reads as 1 and ignore writes.

[17]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.

Should Be One. This bit reads as 1 and ignore writes.



Determines if the T bit is set for PC load instructions:

0 = Loads to PC set the T bit.

1 = Loads to PC do not set the T bit, ARMv4 behavior.

For more details, see the ARM Architecture Reference Manual.



Determines the replacement strategy for the cache:

0 = Normal replacement strategy by random replacement

1 = Predictable replacement strategy by round-robin replacement.



Determines the location of exception vectors:

0 = Normal exception vectors selected, address range = 0x00000000-0x0000001C

1 = High exception vectors selected, address range = 0xFFFF0000-0xFFFF001C.



Enable or disable level one instruction cache:

0 = disabled

1 = enabled.



Enables programme flow prediction:

0 = Program flow prediction disabled

1 = Program flow prediction enabled.

[10:8]SBZShould Be Zero. This bit reads as 0 and ignores writes.


Determines operation as little-endian or big-endian memory system and the names of the low four-byte addresses within a 32-bit word:

0 = Little-endian memory system

1 = Big-endian word-invariant memory system.

The reset value of the B bit depends on external signals, see Table 3.25.

[6:3]SBOShould Be One. This field read as 1 and ignore writes.


Enables or disables level one data cache:

0 = Data cache disabled

1 = Data cache enabled.



Enables strict alignment of data to detect alignment faults in data accesses:

0 = Strict alignment fault checking disabled.

1 = Strict alignment fault checking enabled.

The A bit setting takes priority over the U bit.



Enables or disables the MPU:

0 = MPU disabled

1 = MPU enabled.
